Welcome to JUMPSTART24! We are glad you have decided to take a serious step in the right direction. Your journey is yours, but we believe your quality of life will immediately increase if you follow the steps in this guide. This process will not be easy and I don’t think you would want it to be. This is a holistic approach. We recommend you speak with your medical team before starting any regiment. *NO MATTER HOW MANY LIVES HAVE BEEN CHANGED VIA HOLISTIC TREATMENT OUR GOVERNMENT WILL NOT CATEGORIZE ANY OF THIS AS MEDICAL ADVICE. By continuing with this program you assume all responsibility for any potential risk. Furthermore, you release Employed By Nobody, Pray Eat Train Repeat, Johnny Clarkson, our partners, and all of our subsidiaries of any responsibility or negligence.
Keep your program simple.
Track your success every 2 weeks. The body typically takes 6 weeks to properly adjust to your new plan. Stay focused and remember to have fun creating your new YOU.
To lose weight we need to create a caloric deficit. We have to burn a total of 3,500 calories per pound of fat that we want to lose. The minimum would be -500 calories per day for a 1lb per week reduction. For faster results, I would suggest a 1,000-calorie deficit per day. This deficit can be a combination of food and calories burned by exercise.
For the next 7 days let’s remove the basics: Meat and animal products Additional sugars Additional salts Sugar based drinks Alcohol Bread Simple carbohydrates
Drinking normal tap water and many bottled waters will never truly hydrate you. If possible secure 5-10 gallons of living water from a local spring. Make a personal goal of 16 cups of water per day. If spring water is not available with traveling choose alkaline water.
Circadian rhythm is described as the daily cycle of physical and mental behaviors, such as sleeping and eating patterns. Biological clocks are responsible for producing circadian rhythms. The disruption of circadian rhythms has been found to have adverse effects on one’s health
Intermittent fasting is an eating plan that switches between fasting and eating on a regular schedule. Research shows that intermittent fasting is a way to manage your weight and prevent — or even reverse — some forms of disease.
Make a personal goal to crush 10,000 steps daily. Use a smartwatch/your mobile phone to track. Underarmour map my run is a great tool to use. Tips: Park further away from all stores Walk the perimeter of the store Walk for your lunch breaks Walk your home while taking calls or cooking
Find herbal tea blends that match your flavor palette. Every time you feel the urge to snack brew a cup or 2 of tea. Turmeric tea, cinnamon tea, green tea, and chamomile tea are great options. If you need a sweetener use local honey.
DRIED CLOVES Chew 2 cloves each morning when you wake up on an empty stomach. GINGER 1 cup of tea with fresh ginger, honey, and turmeric in the AM before breakfast. CAYENNE Drink 1 cup of tea 60 minutes before bedtime. Steep tsp of cayenne, tsp of ceylon cinnamon, green tea, and chamomile tea for 10 min. Then add local honey.
Take in the morning COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES High in vitamins A and D May reduce inflammation. May improve bone health. May reduce joint pain and rheumatoid arthritis May support eye health Reduce heart disease risk. Improve anxiety Improve depression Help heal stomach ulcers Vitamin B Complex Cell health Growth of red blood cells Energy levels Eyesight Brain function Digestion Appetite Proper nerve function LYSINE Helping the body absorb calcium, iron, and zinc. Promoting collagen growth. Helping produce enzymes, antibodies, and hormones. supporting the immune system.
MY FITNESS PAL “Studies show people who keep a food diary are more likely to hit their goals. MyFitnessPal simplifies nutrition and calorie tracking, provides the data you want, and helps you make sense of it all. MAP MY RUN Create, discover, and save your favorites — from your neighborhood to around the world with UA MapMyRun Routes
Start off simple and pace yourself.